1 Corinthians: A Gospel Shaped Church


This sermon series through the letter of 1 Corinthians will reveal how the inspired Word of God encouraged the churches in the area of the city of Corinth to be shaped by the gospel truth. Divisions within their church community, sexual immorality, disagreements over food, chaos when gathering for worship, and confusion about the resurrection all are addressed and are issues that are relevant for our church today.  

1 Peter: A Living Hope In Times of Turmoil


1 Peter is a letter written by the apostle Peter (one of Jesus' 12 chosen disciples). He wrote to followers of Jesus mainly in Asia Minor (present day Turkey). The letter was intended to be copied and shared. The main purpose of this letter was to encourage followers of Jesus as they faced persecution and suffering. Peter points them (and us) to the living hope they have in the Lord Jesus and how He transforms His followers to be His body on earth. Peter uses OT images to show this and describes how this practically applies to their everyday lives.


The book of Jonah is unique in that it is the story of a prophet that does not obey the Lord's command to share His message with another people group. Jonah even tries to run away from God without success. Sound like anyone else you know? The message of Jonah is just as relevant today as it was when first written. God's grace is evident throughout the story of Jonah.

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Cross-Cultural Connections

This sermon series is an outworking of our theme for 2023, “Demolishing Barriers of the Heart”, which comes from the part of our vision that says we seek to “establish multiethnic ministries”. As a church, our goal is to be a community that welcomes all races, tongues and nationalities. As a result, we have started a cross-cultural initiative as a congregation to enable and encourage us to learn about another culture by intentionally investing in a relationship with someone that is of a different culture than our own. We had a two-part sermon series to introduce this initiative.

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The book of Ruth is unique as it is one of two books of the Bible named after a woman. God's providence and lovingkindness is on display throughout the story of Ruth. We witness God's gracious plan being revealed even in the midst of life's pain.

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Habits of the Heart

This series focuses on the spiritual disciplines presented in the Word of God to aid us in keeping our hearts grounded in Christ Jesus. The focus of the series will be on the identity of Jesus and our identity in Him. Spiritual disciplines help to continually remind us of the truth of these essentials (Jesus' identity and our identity in Him). For when we live knowing who Jesus is and who we are in Him, then we truly experience life as God intended for us and the purpose of our life is crystal clear.

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1 & 2 Thessalonians

1 & 2 Thessalonians are letters written by the apostle Paul to churches in Thessalonica encouraging them to have hope and perseverance in the midst of their persecution by looking forward to the day of Jesus' return. These letters encourage and challenge believers to live in the present while keeping in mind the future they have with Jesus.

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