SWAT, which stands for "Serving With a Truth," is the youth ministry of CCCS aka Cornerstone. The purpose of our fellowship is to serve our Lord Jesus Christ in our church and communities with the truth we have received in the gospel! We pray and hope that every student will learn to serve our God and community with the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ at the foundation of everything they do. We aim to give our students the foundational truths of His word, allowing them to know why they believe what they believe on their own accord. We want their faith to be theirs and not someone else's. We aim to do this by creating programs that are relational, fun, and spiritually/mentally engaging. We’re a fellowship group for youths in grades 7 to 12. If that’s you, come check it out! We look forward to meeting you!

swat logo

WHO: 7-12 graders

WHAT: Bible studies, games, fellowship, worship, and hanging out!

WHEN: Every Friday 8:00 - 10:00 PM
Sunday School 10:00 - 10:50 AM
Sunday Service 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM

WHERE:  Friday - Matilda 205
Sunday School - Matilda 205
Worship Service: Main Sanctuary

CONTACT: Steven DiSebastian, Daniel Tse, Josiah Kam, Nina Lyow




On Fridays at 8pm, SWAT gathers to worship, learn, grow and fellowship together. Every Friday is a little different. Some Fridays we will host "party nights" where SWATTERS are encouraged to invite their friends. On most nights, we have bible studies, praise and prayer nights, bbq's, outings, guest speakers and much much more! Check out our schedule above!


Youth Sunday School is a time for students to learn the Bible and theology and apply it to their lives. Each week there is a time of praying, sharing, learning, and discussion as well. The youth meet at 10:00 am in Matilda 205. Hope to see you there!


CCCS hosts yearly short-term mission(STM) trips mainly geared for our youth but all are welcome to join and be a part of the team! SWAT has a longstanding relationship with Trinidad and have served there many times over the past 20+ years. In previous years, SWAT has also served in places such as: the United Kingdom, Jamaica, Washington D.C., and Boise, ID. In most cases, we partner with other mission organizations or missionaries to assist them in their ministries. Our hope is that instead of being a burden, we can be a help in any way we can. We know that as untrained missionaries, we can only do so much, so the main purpose of our trips is to experience first-hand the work of God all around the world. It is also a great opportunity for our students to be pushed beyond their comfort zones as we believe that is a crucial part of maturing as a Christian and as a person as a whole. Our mission trips usually take place toward the end of July or early August. 


SWAT hosts its own youth retreat every fall or winter and also has its own youth track at the church-wide retreat in the spring. SWAT youth also attend conferences, such as Stand to Reason's Reality Student Apologetics Conference near Philadelphia.