Disciple-making Process



Growth begins by following Jesus as Lord.

  • Join a disciple-making triad

  • Faith is acted on (baptism)

  • Cultivate sincere, God-honoring, and trustworthy relationships

  • Meet with other followers regularly

  • Pray regularly


Relationships are formed and deepened

  • Become a regular part of a fellowship group or class

  • Become more intentional about relationships with people

  • Deepening of prayer life and awareness of the need to reach out to the Lord

  • Start a disciple-making triad


Assessment of service

  • Take the spiritual gifts assessment

  • Get a prayer and accountability (p & a) partner

  • Develop the habit of meeting regularly (at least monthly) with p & a partner to give and receive encouragement, prayer support, and accountability


Cross over and enter a different social or cultural context

  • Share the love and message of Jesus with those who do not believe of a different social or cultural context

  • Participate in a short-term mission trip to experience another culture through disciple-making

  • Volunteer in our local community to cultivate relationships with people


Elevate disciples to become leaders in the church

  • Join a leadership development triad

  • Lead a ministry project to completion (i.e. leading a short-term mission, special event, or starting a new ministry)

  • Participate once in the Disciple-making Leadership Cohort when available