Ecclesiastes shows how happiness can't be attained through wisdom, wealth, wine, work, or women. All these things are meaningless in themselves. Happiness is only found in a life of humility before God. Then and only then will we have joy in life.
Read moreThe Book of Hebrews: Jesus is Better
The writer of the letter to the Hebrews aims to convince us of this supreme truth: Jesus is better. He is better than the angels. He’s better than the prophets. He’s better than Moses. His priesthood is better than Aaron’s. His new covenant is better than the old covenant the Jews could never fulfill. Jesus’s blood is better than the blood of bulls and goats. Jesus reigns supreme as the Lord and Savior. In every way Jesus is better.
Read moreThe Book of Esther: God is Always at Work
This series of messages will focus on how God is always working, whether we are aware of it or not. Especially when bad things happen, God is always at work and we can trust in Him.
Read moreTake the Next Step
Jesus calls each of us to follow him as Lord. This means walking through the everyday stuff of life with our eyes fixed on Jesus in obedience to his commands. This series of sermons will focus on what commands and guidance the scriptures give in how we are to walk through life following Jesus as Lord. What is the next step you and I need to take in obedience to the Lord Jesus?
Read moreThe Psalms: Worshiping God in All Things
This will be a series going through various passages in the Book of Psalms and how we continue to see the theme of worshipping God in all things of life.
Read moreRomans: Justified By the Grace of God
Romans is a book written by Paul that was a letter to the Roman church. As we go through Romans, we will see the the most basic and foundational truth of the gospel about how Christ has justified us by His grace!
Read moreJesus is Lord!
“Jesus is Lord!” is a topical series that is an examination of how Jesus is Lord over all aspects of our lives. We will be exploring how our His lordship affects our relationships, finances, education and so much more!
Read moreHosea: God's Relentless Love
Hosea is a book that depicts the relentless love of God in a powerful way. The sermon series will dig deeper into how God displays his persistent faithfulness to the Israelites and us who continue to run away from Him.
Read moreFollowing Jesus
"Following Jesus" is a topical series that will explore what it means to be a disciple of Jesus and how the gospel of Christ impacts every aspect of our lives. The goal of the series is to encourage our people to see how everything we do is in light of what Jesus said and did.
Read more1 Samuel: Who is King?
"1 Samuel: Who is King?" is a series through the book of 1 Samuel that explores how God brought stability during period of chaos through kingship, and how God shows His love and grace to us as Christians through Jesus Christ, our ultimate king.
Read moreFrom Stone to Heart: The Ten Commandments
This sermon series explores how the gospel of Jesus Christ empowers us to uphold the fundamental laws described in the Ten Commandments because our hardened hearts have been chiseled away and transformed by the power of the gospel.
Read moreHeld Captive: Taking Every Thought To Obey Christ
"Held Captive: Taking Every Thought to Obey Christ" is a 3-part series based on 2 Corinthians 10:5, where Paul says we are to take every thought we have captive to obey Christ.
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