Pastor Jeff Whisman | Luke 18:9-17 | The Gospel of Luke
The Kingdom of God: Already but Not Yet
Pastor Jeff Whisman | Luke 17:20-37 | The Gospel of Luke
Planning Ahead?
Pastor Jeff Whisman | Luke 16:1-13 | The Gospel of Luke
Seeking the Lost
Pastor Jeff Whisman | Luke 15:1-10 | The Gospel of Luke
Is It Worth It?
Pastor Paul Han | Luke 14:25-33 | The Gospel of Luke
Pastor Jeff Whisman | Mark 16:1-20 | Easter Sunday
Repent or Perish
Pastor Jeff Whisman | Luke 13:1-19 | The Gospel of Luke
Do Not Be Anxious!
Pastor Jeff Whisman | Luke 12: 22-32 | The Gospel of Luke
Woe to Us
Pastor Paul Han | Luke 11: 37-54 | The Gospel of Luke
Who's Calling Me?
Nathan Liu | Luke 10:1-12, 17-20 | The Gospel of Luke
A Faith That Follows Jesus
Pastor Jeff Whisman | Luke 9:18-27 | The Gospel of Luke
Ears to Hear
Pastor Paul Han | Luke 8:4-15 | The Gospel of Luke
Forgiven Much, Loves Much!
Pastor Jeff Whisman | Luke 7:36-50 | The Gospel of Luke
To Eternity and Beyond
Pastor Jeff Whisman | Luke 6:20-26 } The Gospel of Luke
Will You Follow?
Pastor Jeff Whisman | Luke 5:1-11 | The Gospel of Luke
Where Man Fails, Jesus Wins
Pastor Paul Han | Luke 4:1-13 | The Gospel of Luke
Reach One Teach One
Pastor Jeff Whisman | 2 Timothy 2:1-7
Prepare the Way of the Lord
Pastor Jeff Whisman | Luke 3:1-18 | The Gospel of Luke
Where are you looking for Jesus?
Pastor Jeff Whisman | Luke 2: 41-52 | The Gospel of Luke
Prophecies Fulfilled
Pastor Paul Han | Luke 1:46-56 | The Gospel of Luke