Pastor Jeff Whisman | Isaiah 14:12-15 | Heart Check
You are My Witnesses
Pastor Jeff Whisman | Luke 24:36-53 | The Gospel of Luke
Into Your Hands I Commit
Pastor Jeff Whisman | Luke 23:44-49 | The Gospel of Luke
In Remembrance of Him
Pastor Paul Han | Luke 22:14-223 | The Gospel of Luke
Heads Up!
Pastor Jeff Whisman | Luke 21:5-28 | The Gospel of Luke
Virtual Conference Session 3: Bringing Our self and Others to Jesus
Pastor Yucan Chiu | 2021 Virtual Conference
Virtual Conference Session 2: Real Life Conversations with Q&A
Pastor Yucan Chiu & Miguel Romero-Trejos | 2021 Virtual Conference
Virtual Conference Session 1: More Ready Than We Realize
Pastor Yucan Chiu | 2021 Virtual Conference
By What Authority?
Pastor Jeff Whisman | Luke 20:1-18 | The Gospel of Luke
Jesus Seeks and Saves the Lost
Pastor Paul Han | Luke 19:1-10 | The Gospel of Luke
Look Up, Not Down
Pastor Jeff Whisman | Luke 18:9-17 | The Gospel of Luke
The Kingdom of God: Already but Not Yet
Pastor Jeff Whisman | Luke 17:20-37 | The Gospel of Luke
Planning Ahead?
Pastor Jeff Whisman | Luke 16:1-13 | The Gospel of Luke
Seeking the Lost
Pastor Jeff Whisman | Luke 15:1-10 | The Gospel of Luke
Is It Worth It?
Pastor Paul Han | Luke 14:25-33 | The Gospel of Luke
Pastor Jeff Whisman | Mark 16:1-20 | Easter Sunday
Repent or Perish
Pastor Jeff Whisman | Luke 13:1-19 | The Gospel of Luke
Do Not Be Anxious!
Pastor Jeff Whisman | Luke 12: 22-32 | The Gospel of Luke
Woe to Us
Pastor Paul Han | Luke 11: 37-54 | The Gospel of Luke
Who's Calling Me?
Nathan Liu | Luke 10:1-12, 17-20 | The Gospel of Luke