These are messages that are topical in nature and do not follow a specific sermon series. Oftentimes, these are guest speakers.
Read moreThanksgiving Sunday
The Sunday before Thanksgiving, we usually have a combined service where all three congregations (English, Cantonese, Mandarin) join together to give thanks to God as one church.
Read moreDaniel: Our God is Able
The book of Daniel takes place during the time of the exile of the Jews in Babylon. Daniel and his friends are forced to leave their homeland and to learn the Babylonian culture and language. The book of Daniel reveals God's faithfulness to his people Israel, His plans for the future, and how He brought glory to Himself through Daniel and his 3 friends. God's kingdom will rule everything on earth demolishing all the kingdoms of mankind. God's faithfulness and future plans give us hope in Him and for what is to come.
Read moreMissions Conference
CCCS and Cornerstone hold an annual Missions conference on the second weekend of October.
Read moreMatthew 18: Life in Kingdom Community
The short three part series "Life in Kingdom Community" from Matthew 18 will focus on what Jesus taught about the "little ones" including our responsibilities, how the Gospel will transform us, and dealing with conflict with the kingdom in mind.
Read moreBLESS: Rhythms of Disciple Making
Making Disciples of Jesus is not only what we are commanded to do for Jesus, but the way we live in our everyday lives. Life itself is one big opportunity for us to make disciples for Jesus. The rhythms of life are each opportunities for us to intentionally make disciples for Jesus. We are blessed to be a blessing to others in the name of Jesus.
Read moreGalatians: True Freedom
This 1st-century letter written by the apostle Paul to the churches in Galatia challenged a perversion of the Gospel (which is no gospel at all then) that people must do certain things to gain favor with God or even earn the right to be saved. The apostle Paul debunked this stating that this belief and practice was just another slavery and not the true freedom that is only found in the Lord Jesus. Today we also fall into this wrong belief that if we can only do better at our devotions or daily Bible readings or serving in some way that we will be considered "good enough" for God's favor and blessings. Galatians is just as important for us to hear today as it was then.
Read moreBeginnings: Genesis
Beginnings: Genesis will take us through the book of Genesis focusing on the building blocks God established in his plan of salvation available to all mankind. Genesis is foundational for learning the heart of God that is full of grace and mercy, and understanding him as creator and sustainer of everything in life.
Read moreHeart Check
In this series of messages, we will tackle the destructive habits that many of us struggle with: Pride, Excuses, Anger, Lust, Workaholism, Guilt/Shame. When we acknowledge our struggle we can begin to establish new godly habits that point us to the life-giving freedom in Christ Jesus. Our daily choices lead to lasting change not only within ourselves but also affect the world around us for God's glory.
Read moreThe Gospel of Luke
This series of messages follows Jesus through his ministry and teachings. The message of God's love, salvation, and redemption is woven throughout the story of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. Luke gives us a clear picture of Jesus as Lord, who came to earth to save mankind from their sin.
Read more2021 Virtual Conference
Our 2021 Virtual Conference was held on May 28-30. Our theme was “Reach One to Teach One”. Our guest speaker was Yucan Chiu who also invited several guests to join him in showing us what it means to be disciples who make disciples!
Read moreWalking Like Jesus: The Letters of John
This series of messages is based on the New Testament letters of 1, 2, 3 John, which are in response to false teachings that had grown from within the church community. People were claiming to be in fellowship with Jesus, to be a Christian, but were not living in obedience to the teachings of Jesus. These letters stress that a follower of Jesus will walk (live) like Jesus walked. The inclination of a follower's heart is to out of love obey the example and teachings of the Lord Jesus in every way. People who claim to follow Jesus yet live in constant disobedience to His teachings are liars, and the truth is not in them. These letters provide a way to discern those who falsely claim to be followers of Jesus as well as challenge us to see if we are one of them.
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